System Design

System Design: Rate Limiting Monitoring Aspect

Rate limiting is a technique used to control the rate of requests made to a system, such as an API or website. It is used to prevent denial-of-service attacks, resource exhaustion, and unstable performance. Rate limiting works by setting a limit on the number of requests that can be made from a single IP address or user within a specific timeframe. When this limit is exceeded, the system will throttle or block the requests.

Here are some of the benefits of rate limiting:

* Prevents denial-of-service attacks
* Protects against API abuse
* Optimizes resource utilization
* Ensures user fairness

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System Design: Chat Application

Building a Chat Powerhouse: High-Level Design, Deep Dives, and Core Components

Crafting a scalable and robust chat application requires a multi-layered approach. This post delves into the exciting world of system design, exploring the high-level blueprint (HLD), low-level details (LLD), and the essential components that make your chat app sing.

We’ll begin by sketching the HLD, the big picture that outlines the major services and their interplay. This high-level view clarifies how users connect, messages flow, and real-time communication is achieved.

Next, we’ll zoom in on the LLD, where the nitty-gritty details of each component are defined. This includes data structures, message formats, and communication protocols between services.

Finally, we’ll dissect the core components that power your chat application. This might involve chat servers for real-time messaging, databases for storing message history, and notification systems to keep users informed.

By understanding these layers and components, you’ll be well-equipped to design a chat application that can handle the demands of even the most enthusiastic chatters. So, buckle up and get ready to dive into the intricate world of chat system design!

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System Design: News Feed System

Unleash the Power of News Feeds: A Deep Dive into System Design with HLD, LLD, and Key Components. Craft an engaging news feed experience for your users! This blog post explores the intricate world of news feed system design, from high-level (HLD) to low-level design (LLD), and unveils the essential components that make it tick. Discover how to build a scalable, personalized, and real-time news feed that keeps your users glued to your platform.

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System Design: Notification System

Unleash the Power of Notifications: A Deep Dive into System Design (HLD, LLD & Key Components). Craft an engaging notification system for your app! This post unveils the secrets of High-Level Design (HLD), Low-Level Design (LLD), and the core building blocks for a scalable, reliable notification architecture. Discover how to deliver messages effectively and keep your users informed!

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System Design: Web Crawler

Unleash the Power of the Web: Dive Deep into Web Crawler System Design! This comprehensive guide explores the intricate world of web crawlers, from High-Level Design (HLD) to Low-Level Design (LLD). We’ll unveil the core components that make web crawlers tick, empowering you to design and build efficient systems for scouring the vast web. Get ready to conquer crawling challenges, optimize performance, and unlock valuable data!

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System Design: Tiny URL/ URL Shortener

Unleash the power of short links! Dive deep into a comprehensive system design for a URL shortener. This post unveils the secrets behind HLD, LLD, and the core components that make URL shortening tick. Discover how to build a scalable system that handles massive traffic while ensuring lightning-fast redirects. Get ready to learn the tricks of the trade for crafting a robust and user-friendly URL shortener!

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